Finding Our Way Back To Nature With Hessnatur

As a leading brand in sustainable fashion Hessnatur needed a new style that matches the brand’s philosophy and consciousness. Not only did we want their next campaign to reconnect us with nature, but to become a bridge between the brand’s past and future. We wanted to come up with a feeling that belongs to Hessnatur and nothing else. Finding our way back needless to say, this process hasn‘t ended with shooting pictures out in the wilderness. We joined forces with creative director Mimi Hoch and together we developed a large variety of BTL measures, including a lookbook, catalogues, mailings, postcards and all sorts of direct marketing, preparing a legendary brand for a greener, happier tomorrow.

Creative Director Mimi Hoch, Christian Ruess, Photography Anouk Nitsche c/o FREDA+WOOLF, Max von Treu, Deniz Alaca c/o Cosmopola Berlin, Hair and Make up Julia Junglas c/o Ballsall, Film Showarchitekten, Project Management Corinna Umbach, Art Production WE LOVE Artbuying